
DE/SEMBLE is a festival dedicated to jazz and adventurous music, held in Vienna. At its core, DE/SEMBLE advocates for fair representation, reimagines the jazz concert experience, and explores dynamic intersections with multidisciplinary arts and club culture.

DE/SEMBLEs adventurous programming appeals to both jazz aficionados and new listeners alike. We believe in showcasing a diverse range of artists from around the world, ensuring multitudes of voices in jazz receive the spotlight they deserve.

Our mission is to break down barriers within the genre, creating a space where innovative sounds and experimental performances thrive.

Founder & Director

Regina Fisch


Katrin Pröll


Stefan Wackerlig, Regina Fisch, Katrin Pröll

Logo design

Alejo Moore


Doris Brady 

DE/SEMBLE Festival Code of Conduct

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